Wednesday 3 March 2010

Another recipe

I wasn't in an able-like state yesterday to publish a post about the biscuits I made, and now I've forgotten almost everything. But I made three chocolate with chocolate chips muffins today and thought I was going to have all six (but I ended up working with a member of staff and I was made to share them). You will find the recipe and method below, after 12 hours sleep all day I'm now in the mood for blog updation.

You will need:

*80gr plain flour (sieved)
*85gr brown sugar
*Coca powder
*200ml milk
*1 egg
*1 measuring jug
*1 tablespoon oil
*And not forgetting the bowl and chocolate chips


1. Sieve 80gr plain flour into the bowl

2. Weigh out 85gr sugar (make sure the scales are on 0) and chuck it into the bowl.

3. Put 1 tablespoon coca powder into the bowl with the flour and sugar

4. Put in the chocolate chips

5. Whilst you're doing that, weigh out 200ml milk into the measuring jug, followed by your 1 tablespoon oil

6. Put the egg in after while mixing the milk and oil

7. Chuck in the milk and oil (all of it!) out of the measuring jug, and mix well with a spoon until you've got a chocolatey goo texture (meaning it's like chocolate goo)

8. Get out a muffin tray and put in 6 cake cases (because you yourself needs 3 and the partner you're working with needs 3 each).

9. Fill each muffin case 3 quarters full, nearly up to the top, with the chocolate goo in the bowl you made earlier. Do this with the same spoon you used to mix.

10. Put them in the oven 25*c (for about 50 minutes or longer) until they've risen up like cakes and then lift them out and put them on a cooling tray.

11. Put them in a bag (or, if you're at home, leave to cool) and eat them later

..The result is three chocolate chip chocolatey muffins you can't wait to eat (sadly you work in pairs and don't have 6 all to yourself)

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