Tuesday 24 November 2009

A cup full of fruit juice! And another....

As in the ''drinking problem'' post, I really think this drinking problem is coming to something. Because I can't stop. And today's been my worst day because in this morning's catering lesson I was offered a taste of four fruit juices: Orange (with juicy bits), Apple, Strawberry & Kiwi and Pineapple. Of course, you would've guessed I jumped at the chance of it and first poured out a cup full of Strawberry & Kiwi juice before anybody else. By the time everyone else got to that juice, they only got a half a cup each, and then said ''there's none left''. Mix it up was the suggestion, if only it was known who was the first digester!


  1. hi Louise , if u are thisty all the time u could be diebetic ,have u been checked ? Joolzyx

  2. hi Louise, i think u are very clever in the way u write your blog , u must be top of your English class .
    i wish u wouldnt keep saying that Phillip and Holly are boy and girlfriend though . someone else could read your blog and believe it, that is how silly rumours get around anyhow i hope u will not be upset by what i have just said .
