Monday 22 June 2009

Brownie to perfection!

That chocolate brownie was just something made from heaven... It made it myself (with help of course) mixing in and stirring as I went. If you fancy making it yourself, follow up the ingredients below:

25g Margarine (or butter)

Squares of chocolate (add in an extra square if you require)

50g Silver Spoon brown sugar

A sprinkle of Vanilla Essence

40g Plain Flour

1 Egg

Resources of equipment that you'll need:

Small bowl for the sugar



Big glass bowl

An oven 50 or warmer

Wooden spoon

....And if you fancy it, here's how to do it:

A) Put your big bowl on top of the pan and rest the pan on one of the hobs on your gas cooker turned high.

B) Stirr in the butter (or margarine, whatever you prefer) with the chocolate. Keep stirring til the chocolate's melted and add an extra square if you require. Keep stirring.

C) Once your chocolate has started to melt, scrape off the butter with a fork and stir until completely hot and done.

D) Then add in the brown sugar. Keep stirring, making it creamily chocolatey... Yummy!

E) Then add in the vanilla essence and egg. Keep stirring, beat the egg well and mix.

F) Add in the flour and keep stirring and mixing...

G) When completely done, pour the creamy melted chocolate and visible ingredients into a plastic square tin. Take care to avoid damage. (Get a baking tray at the ready, too)

H) Put the tin on the baking tray and insert into the oven (65*F at the most, the hottest an oven can get).

I) Check on it.

J) When you think it's fully done, get it out the oven and leave to cool. Slot it in a bag for later.

K) Eat it! You can just pick it up whole out of the tray and if you like add whipped cream! Yum... Just chuck away the bag and tray when finished!

...The result is a brownie cooked to perfection that you can't wait to eat!

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